Privacy Policy CabinetTrac Field Manager

Who we are

Our website address is: CabinetTrac is a registered trade mark of Cabinetsync Inc.



CabinetTrac is a client server database where the data resides on the individual’s or company’s private server. Since data used in the app is the property of the user we do NOT collect any private data associated with the use of CabinetTrac Field Manager.


What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Name , Email Address and hash string.


Registration of Mobile App

When CabinetTrac Field Manager is installed on the mobile device a registration is required. The user name, email address and a hash string are collected and sent to Cabinetsync Inc. and stored in a local private database.  This information is not shared with anyone.


Who we share your data with

No One!


How long we retain your data

The data collected for registration process is deleted when app is no longer in use by the user.


Additional information

CabinetTrac Field Manager is a read only app. That means the user can search data from their private server for viewing only. The only data sent to the serer are the User name and password and hash string during connection to their private server.  When a user connects a log of these connection is saved. The data in the log includes Name, Date Time , Version of app and hash string. This data is saved on the users private server and can be delete by the user at any time.


Thank you for using CabinetTrac Field Manager!